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PDF-XChange Viewer is a free PDF editor/reader that allows you to view and edit PDFs, all from within an attractive and intuitive interface. If there is something we have learned here at Softonic, it's that a good PDF creator is hard to find.

If you take the XChange part out of this application’s name, you have a brief description of what it is: a PDF Viewer. And to be more precise, this is a free and user friendly tool to view PDF files, a tool that has quite a few options to offer.

You are very well advised to go give it a try. The setup wizard that guides you through the installation process allows you to pick one of three installation options: Full, Custom, and Compact. The Full Installation covers the following: PDF-Viewer files, live update for PDF-Viewer, Help file, language files addin for Internet Explorer, adding for Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Chrome, shell extensions, OCR for English, French, German, Spanish.

The interface is just what you would expect from an application of this type. The main panel presents whatever PDF file you load into PDF-XChange Viewer. Above this main panel there’s a File Menu and a toolbar with buttons for various features and functions.

From the View Menu you can customize this interface: change background style, change background color, select what elements are displayed on the interface, change fonts, change colors. PDF-XChange Viewer is available as a Free and as a Pro version. As you can imagine, the features reserved for the Pro version are not available in the Free version. These features are conveniently marked as “Pro”. You can use PDF-XChange Viewer for the following: open and view PDF files; preview PDF files before opening them; undo and redo; find and search; sign document; recognize text on pages using OCR; view comments, import and export comments, add comments; multiple tools. The bottom line is that PDF-XChange Viewer is a very nice choice for anyone who needs a tool to view PDF files. Pros A setup wizard will guide you through the installation process; said wizard will have you choose one of three installation options.

You will immediately feel at home with the interface; the interface can be customized. View PDF files, add comments, recognize text on pages using OCR, and more.

PDF-XChange Viewer is freeware. Cons Some features are reserved for the Pro version. You can download PDF-XChange Viewer free.

The PDF-XChange Viewer has been discontinued and replaced by the which is now available including all the features of the Viewer and much, much more. The No.1 rated BEST PDF Reader - as voted by Life Hacker Readers by a 2-1 margin for the 2nd year in a row! Those wishing to View/Modify or perform simple editing and even OCR Image based PDF files on their Windows PC's now have a FREE PDF reader alternative to the Adobe Reader! The PDF-XChange Viewer is smaller, faster and more feature rich than any other FREE PDF Reader/ PDF Viewer/ PDF Editor available. This free PDF viewer download also allows users to try the extended functionality offered by the PDF-XChange Viewer 'PRO' in evaluation mode - for free. No PDF reader or Viewer offers more features than PDF-XChange - or does so without compromising performance and quality, checkout the feature list below and save $100's in unnecessary expenditure on your PDF software today. Also included are the very powerful.

The licensed PDF-XChange Viewer 'PRO', is a PDF creator in it's own right, allowing users to create PDF files directly from scanners, image files and can even take a.txt or a.rtf file and convert it to PDF or build your PDF document from scratch. The FREE OCR functionality supports a base language set of English, French, German & Spanish. Additional Language Extension Packages are available. The FREE PDF viewer download of the PDF-XChange Viewer may be used without limitation for Private, Commercial, Government and all uses, provided it is not -: incorporated or distributed for profit/commercial gain with other software or media distribution of any type - without first gaining permission. A Software Developers is available including for licensing in 3rd party software applications that require the functionality of a PDF reader, or the ability to edit PDF files from within their own applications, without exorbitant royalty fees. Note: For those users that would still like to use the licensed 'PRO' version of PDF-XChange Viewer, the Serial keys for, and are compatible for directly unlocking the 'Pro' features of the Viewer. Free Stamp Collections for PDF-XChange Viewer -.

New - OCR options included - OCR your image based/scanned PDF's to make fully text searchable PDF files!!!!. Add Comments and Annotations to any PDF file (subject to security settings) - unlike the Adobe Viewer which requires the PDF creation tool to be 'certified' by Adobe!. Add & apply Custom Stamps from any Image or PDF File and even your Windows Clip board!. Measurement Tools incl. Perimeter and area.

Mark-up pages with text and objects. Type directly on any PDF page, not just Adobe enabled forms documents - in Typewriter mode.

Export PDF pages or entire files to any one of the supported Image formats including BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG and many more. Extract text from a PDF page/File. Make your navigation of large or complex PDF files both simple and enjoyable with the extended functionality of our 'Loupe' and the 'Pan' Window tools. PDF Security Support including 40/128 bit RC4 and 128/256 bit AES Encryption Password and Permissions Add/Edit.

Data Execution Prevention (DEP) - stops the execution of nefarious scripts from Virus's/trojans etc. Fill and Save Adobe Forms to disk, email or 'post' - including XFA and dynamic forms (new in V2.5)!. Full JavaScript Engine included. Store/Restore of last opened files (last session). Updated JPEG2000 Compression support - improving speed.

Plug-Ins for both MS IE or Firefox Browser's included. Integrate seamlessly with your favorite translation software to translate text on the 'fly' - including: ABBYY Lingvo 12, Translate It!, Lingoes. Auto-Highlights Fillable Form Fields. Integrated for PDF thumbnails and document preview in Windows Explorer.


Document Search. Probably the fastest PDF document search engine available today!. Set default viewing preferences for PDF files Included FREE features:.!

Adobe Pdf Reader

Trackers super fast IFilter is supplied FREE with all PDF-XChange Viewer installs and extracts and searches text from pages, document info (title, authors, subject etc.), comments, and bookmarks etc - faster than any competing IFilter product available!. Adobe ® Porfolios ®Supported.

Includes comprehensive Help file and PDF Manual - no extra downloads required to add features etc. Support for PDF File Attachments (portfolio). Import/Export Reader default settings. Send PDF files via email from viewer. Ruler, Snap To Grid and Guidelines. Customize User Interface (Toolbar options etc).

Undo/Redo functionality for text editor. Portable version also available - can be run from any suitable device such as a Memory stick/CD/DVD etc - simply unzip and use - no installation required - just 6MB download!. Compatible with Windows XP and later (32/64 bit). Simple editing options - see latest releases. Add/Edit/Move Bookmarks (Now a Free Feature) Advanced PRO features - License Required.

PDF-XChange Viewersupports all Windows (32/64 bit) operating systems from Windows XP. and later: Version 5 (2012): Microsoft/Citrix Terminal Server compatible.

Version 4: Microsoft/Citrix Terminal Server compatible. Version 3: Still available for Windows 95/98. We recommended that users install the latest Microsoft Windows service packs and updates before using our products, as doing so will ensure the greatest possible performance of the software. Our products - in particular the printer drivers that PDF-XChange Standard and PDF-XChange Lite utilize - are not designed to work in virtualized environments such as the XenApp software.There are some limitations to product support for Windows XP as Microsoft have stopped supporting it. Further information about this issue is available. PDF-XChange Viewer 'Free Version' is free for private and commercial use, provided it is not bundled with other software for financial gain.

The Viewer as well contains extra features and functions that are unlocked when you purchase a license for PDF-XChange Viewer PRO. In FREE mode, many menu items will be marked with a special marker that indicates that the specific feature requires a PRO license to use without producing watermarks: You can try any of the PRO features but, be very careful not to save your PDF if you don't want the watermarks to appear in the upper corners of each page of the document. Once a document is watermarked, there is no way to remove them so save a copy of the original PDF before trying the PRO features in an unlicensed Viewer. PDF-XChange Viewer Help Manual - To reduce the size of the Viewer installer download file the Help Manual is now a separate download. You can download the Viewer Manual here:. Please note: The PDF-XChange Viewer is not designed to create new PDF files from 3rd party document formats such as MS Office, Internet Explorer etc - if you wish to create NEW PDF files from Windows applications (any that can print to paper) then choose one of our Virtual Print drivers below - the PDF-XChange Viewer is designed to create PDF files only from images - or to scan new pages from your scanner - as well as View/Modify/Annotate etc - existing PDF files!

Pdf-xchange Viewer Free Version Download

We recommend all users who need to ask which version to download - use the exe/zip installers (the only difference is one is wrapped in a zip file as some download management software will block '.exe' files) as this will correctly sense and install for the Windows version you use, MSI installers do not and you must be sure you download the right version - for the operating system your system uses. Virtual Print Drivers (Now FREE for non-Commercial use, and included for commercial use with the purchase of PDF-XChange Viewer Pro) (includes PDF-XChange Viewer PRO) MSI Installer Options - who should use? The easiest answer to this is if you are not sure - do not use these installers - they are aimed at corporate system administrators - not general users, so if you are not sure - use the default installer provided and not the MSI installer option!!! FREE OCR Support The new OCR functionality available at no charge in both the free and licensed PDF-XChange Viewer, requires the use of build 200 of the Viewer or later. By default the installations includes 4 default language support (English, French, German & Spanish). Additional Language Extension packages are available here: If PDF-XChange Viewer build 200 or later has been installed without the OCR Base Languages support, the Base Language Pack will need to be downloaded and installed prior to any other of the available language packs.